At Mill Park Primary School, we teach maths in a hands-on approach for Prep to Year 3 students using interactive activities like games, puzzles, and real-life scenarios. Our students learn to think critically, reason logically, and communicate mathematically using materials such as blocks, manipulatives, and games.

We encourage parents to play maths games with their children at home to reinforce their mathematical skills. Check out the links below for some fun and educational games.

At Mill Park Primary School, we strive to make mathematics enjoyable and positive for all our students, fostering a love for the subject that lasts a lifetime.

The Golden Number

The Golden Number

Concepts covered: 

Deck of cards, paper and pens

Good questions to ask while playing:  
“Explain to me how you got __?”;  “What card are you hoping for next? Why?”

Pairs to Ten

Pairs to Ten

Concepts covered:
Addition and subtraction

Deck of cards

Good questions to ask while playing: 
“What goes with __ to make ten?”; “Are there any other pairs you can see?”

From Here to There

From Here to There

Concepts covered:
Addition and subtraction

Deck of cards, paper and pencils

Good questions to ask while playing: 
“What are you hoping to roll?”; “How did you work that out?”



6 sided dice, counters, paper and pens

Questions to ask while playing:
“What are you hoping to roll?”;  “How did you work that out?”

Get Out of My House 2.0

Get Out of My House 2.0

Deck of playing cards, counters, paper and pens

Questions to ask while playing: 
“What’s the other number you can place your counter on?”  (Students might initially only focus on what number comes after their card and neglect to consider what comes before.);  “Is it a good idea to place lots of tokens on the one square?  Why/why not?”;  “What would you do differently next time you played?”

Number Snake

Number Snake

Deck of playing cards

Questions to ask while playing:
“Can you read that number?”;  “Why did you place the __ card there?”;  “What card would go before the __?” (Or after, or in between);  “What card are you hoping to get next?”

Just Gridding

Just Gridding

6 sided dice, paper and pens

Questions to ask while playing:
What are you hoping to roll?”; “Why did you cross this 5 out instead of that 5?”; “What would you do differently next time you play this game?”