Mill Park Primary School is committed to providing a quality education for its students, and part of that commitment involves working with parents to support their children’s learning and development. To that end, the school offers parent education sessions throughout the year, covering a range of topics such as homework, behavior management, communication with teachers, and building resilience in children.

These sessions are typically held in the evenings to accommodate busy schedules, and are run by experienced teachers who provide practical tools and strategies for parents to implement at home. The aim of the sessions is to help parents better understand their children’s educational needs and how they can support their academic progress.

The sessions have been well-received by parents, who appreciate the opportunity to connect with other parents, share experiences, and learn new approaches to supporting their children’s education. Mill Park Primary School believes that working collaboratively with parents is key to ensuring the best possible outcomes for students, and the parent education sessions are just one part of the school’s comprehensive approach to parental involvement.

In addition to the parent education sessions, the school also provides newsletters, online resources, and parent-teacher conferences to support parents in their children’s education. The school is committed to working with parents as partners in their children’s education, and believes that this collaborative approach is essential for creating a supportive and nurturing learning environment for students.

Past Events

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